Are Bibles Still Needed?- The Answer Might Surprise You.


Out of curiosity, how many Bibles do you currently own? I was shocked when I took a look at my own inventory. Including digital Scripture versions, my family owns more than ten different Bibles. I’ve read that the average American home owns at least five Bibles. With the massive opportunity to digest God’s Word, we should all be Bible scholars, right?
I think most of us would confess that this is not the case. It makes me feel a little sad that I’ve taken such an amazing gift for granted, especially when there are so many followers of Christ still living without their own Bible. It’s not a small number either. Millions of believers around the world have been denied God’s Word due to two heart-breaking circumstances: persecution and poverty. 

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People around the world suffer for their faith just because they long to hold God’s Word in their hands to soak up His truth, encouragement and hope.  Because the Gospel is often perceived as a threat, the Bible is far too frequently outlawed, restricted, or confiscated to prevent Christianity’s spread.  
Poverty is just as prevalent in keeping followers of Christ from owning their own Bible. Without access to modern technology, many living in poor areas of the world have no other option then to read the Bible in physical book format. But a $10 price tag is far beyond their means. Often, remote village tribes are forced to share a single Bible among hundreds in the community. Sometimes, Christians in these regions must wait until a traveler is able to reach them and preach before they ever hear Scripture.
Let me answer the question posed in this article’s title: "Yes, Bibles are still desperately needed!" The better question to answer is, “How do we get Bibles to those who need them?”

At Pioneering With Passion Ministries (PPM), we believe every Christian should have access to their own Bible, regardless of persecution or poverty. Unfortunately, many of our journeys take us deep into areas where it is simply too dangerous to bring a physical Bible. 
I’ve been in secret rooms with believers who had never seen a Bible before, let alone owned a copy. I’ve worked with undercover missionaries who must use everything from invisible ink to audio recordings in order to hide the bits of Scripture they manage to acquire. I’ve been in remote jungles where entire communities without God’s Word will pack into a small hut just to hear a short message about their faith. In all these circumstances, these precious brothers and sisters in Christ were looking to me to share what I could with them. Like those in desperate need of food, the men, women, and children around me had come with a deep spiritual hunger.

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It’s a very humbling experience to be among people who are desperate to hear the words you have to offer. Feeling unprepared without my personal leather-bound Bible, I’ve discovered a powerful alternative: God’s Spirit inside me. I take a breath, center my focus on Him, and listen for the quiet whisper of the words He wants me to share. Sometimes it’s a verse, sometimes words of instruction or encouragement. In these moments, I have to trust that the Holy Spirit will speak and I will hear, even when I feel vastly unqualified. 
Here is the good news. If you are a follower of Christ, then that same Spirit is inside you. If you allow Him to, the Holy Spirit will reveal just how alive and active God’s Word truly is. 
Did you know that most believers living in poor countries with restricted access to God’s Word see Christians in free nations as Bible experts? We may scoff and say, “Me?  No way!” But in comparison, our knowledge of Scripture is extensive. Even the most causal Bible readers can quote at least a handful of verses and give the basic conceptual overview for dozens of others. At any point, we can download an infinite number of Podcasts or audio books on a vast array of subjects. Church attendees hear sermons every week ingraining in us lessons from the Bible. 
Yes, even you are envied for the Biblical resources you have access to and the truths you have stored away in your heart.  The question is, "Are you willing to offer those truths to others who desperately need to hear them?”


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Bibles for the poor and persecuted are still essential. Our teams are committed to ensuring a physical copy of God’s Word is offered to those who are living without this vital resource. More importantly, when physical copies are restricted, our teams are committed to venture deep into areas where others refuse to go. We are committed to being the hands, feet, and yes, the voice of Jesus to those we are called to reach. 
Won’t you join us? There is a message inside you, one that is uniquely designed for the hurting world. Remember that to the spiritually starving, you are an expert. You carry words and knowledge of God inside you, the very keys to life and death. Don’t neglect your valuable role in the rescue story of Christ.
If the Lord is beginning to stir something in your heart,  we’d encourage you to take another step and stay connected with our mission. We’d also love it if you’d consider supporting our pioneering ministry through a financial gift. Any amount can help offer the life-giving message of Jesus.