Rescue Orphan Refugees
In a remote area of Southeast Asia, our team has located thousands of impoverished orphans whose parents were killed or driven from their villages by corrupt armed forces who wage war on ethnic minority tribes. Fathers have been enslaved, mothers sexually abused, and even children kidnapped to be used as soldiers. Our team must work undercover to reach the orphans left behind after the fighting. We need your help to provide a monthly supply of food and other resources, as well as loving, Christ-centered discipleship to 41 orphanages with over 3,500 desperate children.
Givebutter Tutorial:
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If you choose to cover the required processing fee for your donation, this is another gift to PPM and your donation for charitable contribution purposes will include that amount.
If not, click Edit next to your donation amount and uncheck ‘I want to cover fees.’ PPM will then cover the required fees.
Provide Life-Giving Aid to Refugee Families
Forgotten by the world, thousands of refugee families have fled deep into the jungles of Southeast Asia to escape violent attacks on their villages. Although larger aid organizations are able to help official refugee camps, the need far outweighs the resources. Many families have been denied homes and food, forced to build makeshift shelters in remote regions. PPM refuses to allow these families to live without hope. We need your help to offer basic living resources and the Gospel message to over 21,000 refugees we have located. With your help, we can bring our off-road trucks filled with supplies straight to the jungle camps, ensuring these precious people have the living supplies they desperately need.
Givebutter Tutorial:
Unless you want to give a tip to Givebutter, be sure to override the automatic tip amount on the next page by choosing ‘Other’ in the dropdown box. Put $0 and no tip to GB will be applied to your donation.
If you choose to cover the required processing fee for your donation, this is another gift to PPM and your donation for charitable contribution purposes will include that amount.
If not, click Edit next to your donation amount and uncheck ‘I want to cover fees.’ PPM will then cover the required fees.
Sponsor A Pioneer Mission
The Lord continues to open unique doors to pioneer unreached areas where many are in deep need. As PPM has ventured deeper into hostile territory, our teams have uncovered make-shift refugee villages filled with broken families who have been forced from their homes by war and persecution. The need is overwhelming, but our resources are limited. In order to bring life-sustaining aid and discipleship to these uncovered camps, we need dedicated supporters like you to sponsor a future mission. Though the danger is real, your gift has the power to provide our team with the ability to deliver truckloads of food and essential resources, as well as the message of God's love directly to these forgotten and hurting people.
Givebutter Tutorial:
Unless you want to give a tip to Givebutter, be sure to override the automatic tip amount on the next page by choosing ‘Other’ in the dropdown box. Put $0 and no tip to GB will be applied to your donation.
If you choose to cover the required processing fee for your donation, this is another gift to PPM and your donation for charitable contribution purposes will include that amount.
If not, click Edit next to your donation amount and uncheck ‘I want to cover fees.’ PPM will then cover the required fees.
Support Pioneering With Passion Ministries
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this to look after orphans and widows in their distress..." James 1:27a
PPM is supported by the generous giving of people like you who long to reach "the ends of the earth." When you give to support Pioneering With Passion Ministries, you ensure that our most critical operational and ministry needs are met. This includes support for our staff, travel, and mission essential resources. Thank you for your heart to give and for your passion to see the love of Jesus Christ reach those in desperate need.
Givebutter Tutorial:
Unless you want to give a tip to Givebutter, be sure to override the automatic tip amount on the next page by choosing ‘Other’ in the dropdown box. Put $0 and no tip to GB will be applied to your donation.
If you choose to cover the required processing fee for your donation, this is another gift to PPM and your donation for charitable contribution purposes will include that amount.
If not, click Edit next to your donation amount and uncheck ‘I want to cover fees.’ PPM will then cover the required fees.